Legislative Update
February 3, 2024 | Richmond Update

Greetings from your State Capitol week three of Session.  We have one full week of committee work before crossover, when all action on house bills will have to be completed.  The work pace has become very hectic, with my Thursday schedule beginning at 7am and not ending until 7pm, as one example.



Legislative Update
January 26, 2024 | Richmond Update

Greetings from your State Capitol!  It’s been a true joy to have had so many local visitors this week.  I always welcome your visits and the opportunity to discuss the bills before us as well as the legislative process.  This is your Capitol and I encourage you to visit this beautiful and historic site.

It’s been a slow start, but we are finally getting up to speed.  About 1/3 of my bills have been heard and I’ll give a specific update on all of them next …

Legislative Update
January 24, 2024 | Richmond Update

Greetings from your State Capitol.  I am again incredibly humbled to represent you in our 2024 General Assembly.  Thank you for this high honor.

The 2024 session has just completed its first week and we are now in full gear.  With the new majority, I had far less input in my committee assignments.  I’m glad to report that I have remained on the three committees on which I have served the longest: Health and Human Services, Finance, and Agriculture Chesapeake and Natural Resources.

As the work of …

Legislative Update
February 24, 2023 | Richmond Update

            Greetings from your state capital.  As we approach the end of our 2023 session, I am advising you of the status of legislation that I introduced this year.  All bills in both bodies must be resolved in their respective bodies by Saturday, February 25, 2023, and the following bills have passed both bodies.

            HB1446 will, for the first time, establish an average minimum number of nurse-to-patient contact hours that will be required in our nursing homes.  This is an issue that has …

Legislative Update
February 9, 2023 | Richmond Update

Greetings from our state capitol.  As we have reached the midpoint of our 2023 session, I will advise you of the status of legislation I introduced this year.  The House finished action on our measures Tuesday, and all House bills have either been sent to the Senate for action or will no longer be considered this year.

Of the fifteen bills I introduced, nine have been sent to the Senate.  The remaining six bills were either referred to the appropriate agency for further review or were …

Legislative Update
February 3, 2023 | Richmond Update

Greetings from your state capitol!  As we are at the end of week three, the pace has increased tremendously.  Each of the past three days has had me in the Capitol by 7:00 am and I haven’t left the past two evenings until after 7:00 pm.  My days are filled with hearing bills in subcommittee and committee meetings, presenting my bills, participating in floor sessions, and meeting with citizens as much as possible.  Serving in the majority means that we …

Legislative Update January 24, 2023
February 1, 2023 | Richmond Update

Dear Constituent,

As we begin the second full week of our short session, the focus is on hearing proposed legislation and doing the real work of the assembly.  Members had until last Friday to introduce bills, so now all measures have been added to the mix and the Speaker is in the process of assigning the bills to the respective committees to be heard.  There are approximately 1600 House bills to be considered.

My schedule will be especially busy for the next 2 weeks.  During this period …

Legislative Update January 17, 2023
February 1, 2023 | Richmond Update

Dear Constituent,

We’ve just completed the first week of the 2023 General Assembly Session, and I wanted to provide a quick update on what’s been happening in Richmond. This is our “short session”, lasting 45 days, until February 25th, therefore things will be moving at a rapid pace.

My colleagues and I in the House of Delegates are working hard on behalf of the people of Virginia.  We have already seen legislation working to ensure that our schools remain high quality, teach children how to think not …

Legislative Update
March 11, 2022 | News Article

Greetings from our state capitol.  As we approach the end of our 2022 session, I am advising you of the status of legislation that I introduced this year.  All bills in both bodies must be resolved in their respective bodies by Saturday, March 12, 2022.

Of the 17 bills I introduced, 10 have passed the House and the Senate, 1 was incorporated in another Delegate’s bill, 2 were carried over to the 2023 session for further consideration, and 1 is being addressed through agency directive.  Below …

Legislative Update
February 28, 2022 | News Article

Greetings from your State Capitol.  My update this week will focus on the House Budget that we adopted last week.

The House budget includes the largest education allocation in Virginia history, a 15% increase over the previous budget.  Within this spending is the State’s share of a 4% raise for teachers this year and an additional 1% percent bonus in each year of the biennium.  It also establishes a $2 billion loan fund for school construction and renovation.  Further, it includes additional funding to hire new …

© 2025 Delegate Bobby Orrock