January 24, 2025 | Richmond Update
As we end the second full week of our short session, the focus is on hearing legislation. Members had until last Friday to introduce bills, so now all measures have entered the mix. All my legislation will have been heard by the end of next week, so I will give a specific update on their status at that time.
I will be engaged in numerous meetings each day as well as our floor session at noon. My usual schedule has me in my office by 7 a.m., or before, and will keep me busy until well after 5 p.m. My staff will be glad to schedule an appointment for you to visit me and, if I am in committee, I will be happy to step out and visit.
I encourage you to monitor our progress either by a personal visit or viewing committee work and sessions on-line. You can also speak in committee meetings remotely by signing up in advance.
I will focus this update on the status of the three constitutional amendments that have been proposed. All three have passed the House and Senate on a nearly straight party line vote. I did not support any of the proposals as they all went too far in trying to achieve their stated objective.
One of the measures was to automatically restore the rights of all convicted felons, regardless of the crime once they had served their time. While I agree that we need to reform the current process of restoring the rights to convicted felons, this was not something that needed to be added to our constitution but rather through changes to our current law.
Another proposal was to add to our constitution an abortion rights amendment. The language of the amendment would make us the most liberal state in the Union on this issue, and among other provisions, it would allow an abortion up to the time of natural birth. I have stated that I currently support our existing abortion laws which allow abortions through the second trimester, with protections for the life of the mother and other stated exceptions. Further, I do not think this is an issue that should be enshrined in our constitution given that medical progress has made fetal survival possible at a much earlier stage.
The third measure concerned the same-sex marriage amendment. While the language was presented as just making Virginia follow the Federal constitution, it went much further. The language, for example, would have required a minister to marry a couple who he felt were not ready to wed or were getting married for the wrong reason. It also would have forced a minister to marry a couple against the minister’s religious beliefs.
I appreciate the honor of representing our area. I welcome your comments and hearing your concerns. You may contact me at DelBorrock@house.virginia.gov or by calling (804)698-1054.