Legislative Update January 24, 2023
February 1, 2023 | Richmond Update

Dear Constituent,

As we begin the second full week of our short session, the focus is on hearing proposed legislation and doing the real work of the assembly.  Members had until last Friday to introduce bills, so now all measures have been added to the mix and the Speaker is in the process of assigning the bills to the respective committees to be heard.  There are approximately 1600 House bills to be considered.

My schedule will be especially busy for the next 2 weeks.  During this period all committees must finish their deliberations so that all approved bills can be communicated to the Senate.  Serving on four committees, each having multiple sub-committees, I will be engaged in numerous meetings each day as well as our daily floor session at noon.  My usual schedule has me in my office by 7 am. or before and will keep me busy until well after 5 pm.  My staff will be glad to schedule an appointment to visit and if one of my committees is meeting, I’ll be happy to step out and visit if possible.  Floor sessions are also open to the public with limited seating.

The pace of the short session is extremely fast.  We have already passed legislation lowering taxes for all Virginians, adding more protections for a student subject to bullying, and numerous measures that will assist in attracting new industries and jobs.

I encourage you to monitor our progress either by a personal visit or by viewing committee work and sessions on-line, either live or archived.  You can also actively participate in subcommittee work in person or remotely by signing up in advance if you wish to speak.

I appreciate the honor of representing our area.  I welcome your comments and hearing your concerns.  You may contact me at DelBorrock@house.virginia.gov or by calling (804)698-1054.

© 2025 Delegate Bobby Orrock