Legislative Update January 17, 2023
February 1, 2023 | Richmond Update

Dear Constituent,

We’ve just completed the first week of the 2023 General Assembly Session, and I wanted to provide a quick update on what’s been happening in Richmond. This is our “short session”, lasting 45 days, until February 25th, therefore things will be moving at a rapid pace.

My colleagues and I in the House of Delegates are working hard on behalf of the people of Virginia.  We have already seen legislation working to ensure that our schools remain high quality, teach children how to think not what to think, provide opportunities for innovation, continue to have high academic standards, and ensure parental involvement. Other legislation we’re working on will continue our commitment to reducing the tax burden and focus on making investments to ensure a viable business climate going forward.

We continue our work to bolster our law enforcement community to keep our communities safe.  Further, we are making historic investments in providing the necessary resources to address the increasing mental health challenges that we see in our communities.

This session, I continue serving on the Health, Welfare, & Institutions Committee as Chairman and the committees of Agriculture, Conservation & Natural Resources – Finance – and Rules.  My service on these very diverse committees will enable me to be more directly involved in many issues that will affect our daily lives.

I have introduced a total of 15 bills, mostly at the request of constituents.  A brief overview of these measures is:

–          HB 1446: will begin the process of establishing staff to patient ratios in our nursing homes to ensure a proper level of care

–          HB 1447: to enable paramedics working in hospital settings to more fully utilize their skills in direct patient care, helping to address the critical staffing issues

–          HB 1448: direct the Dept. of Education to develop guidelines for our local school divisions as they review books and audio visuals for their appropriateness

–      HB 1449: create a mechanism where emergency care personnel may administer physician ordered medications to a patient who is unresponsive

–      HB 1450: change the terminology throughout our code replacing the term “handicapped” with the term “person with a disability”

–     HB 1451: modifying the enforcement provisions against a pet shop that fails to provide required consumer information

–    HB1452: giving Medicaid Fraud investigators additional powers necessary to more effectively and efficiently perform their duties

–     HB 1453: repeal legislation last session related to “farm use” tags that failed to achieve the desired effect

–     HB 10503 & 1505:  bring consistency to and uniformity to the process when an insurance company requires a medical practice to undergo an audit of reimbursement payments for services performed

–      HB 1503: require that all unsolicited text messages must have a viable cancel prompt

–       HB 1684: address issues that have arisen in the business community when workers have been misclassified

–       HB 2299: making our State Park police a part of the state law enforcement retirement system

–        HB 2534: works to provide a means of a patient being able to continue to receive necessary medical care when there is a contract dispute between the health care provider and the insurance carrier.

To track these bills or any legislation, go to virginiageneralassembly.gov.  This site will also let you view committee, subcommittee and floor sessions, either live or archived.

As the delegate representing the 54th District, I hold your concerns as my highest priority. If ever I may be of assistance to you and your family, please do not hesitate to reach out to me at Delborrock@house.virginia.gov or call me in Richmond at (804)698-1054.

© 2025 Delegate Bobby Orrock