2018 Legislative Update from Delegate Orrock
January 22, 2018 | Uncategorized

Delegate Bobby Orrock

January 2018 Update

Dear Constituent,

Happy New Year to all! I also want to thank you for putting your trust in me again this past election by allowing me to serve you as your delegate from the 54th district in the Virginia General Assembly. It is a great honor and privilege to be able to serve you, and all the people of Virginia.
The 2018 General Assembly session officially convened on January 10th at 12 noon. It started with Republican Delegate Kirk Cox being unanimously elected as the 55th Speaker of the House. Speaker Cox has pledged to focus on governing, working across the aisle and leading with character and integrity. On Saturday, January 13th, Governor Northam was sworn in as the 73rd Governor of Virginia. I congratulate him on his victory and look forward to working with him.


As of now, I have introduced 22 pieces of legislation this Session:


HB 865-Pet Shops; local ordinance; bond for out-of-state breeder.

HB 866-Scenic river designations.

HB 867-Private preschool programs; licensure exemptions.

HB 868-Licensure exemptions; private preschool programs.

HB 869-Private preschool programs; background checks.

HB 870-Cash bond; pet shops obtaining animals from a dealer.

HB 871-Real property tax; land use violation.

HB 872-Hospitals and nursing homes; frequency of inspection.

HB 873-Child care providers; criminal history background check; sunset and contingency.

HB 874-Certificates of public need.

HB 875-Veterinarians; compounding of drugs.

HB 877-Pet shops; sale of dogs; maintenance and availability of records.

HB 878-Delivery of Schedule VI prescriptions devices.

HB 879-Hospitals and nursing homes; frequency of inspections.

HB 881-Background checks; Department of State Police to recommend options and expedite process.

HB 885-Onsite sewage systems; authority of the Board of Health

HB 887-Onsite sewage systems; maintenance.

HB 888-Onsite sewage systems; evaluation and design services.

HB 889 Dogs, tethering of; locality authorized to adopt an ordinance to restrict.

HB 1441-Taxation of all-terrain vehicles, mopeds, and off-road motorcycles.

HB 1442-Real property tax; assessment of wetlands.

HB 1494-Suspected adult abuse, neglect, or exploitation; mandated reporting; vulnerable adults.

All bills can be seen on the Virginia General Assembly website at: http://Virginiageneralassembly.gov. by entering the bill number.

House Republicans have made government more transparent. We passed unanimously a rules package that expands the existing rule on proportional representation on committees, an illustration of bipartisanship that must and will be a major theme of this Session. All committees and subcommittees require that the House utilize electronic voting equipment to record votes. The House will be live-streaming all full committee meetings. We also instituted a two-day waiting period before voting on the Budget so the public could review the proposal, and we have prohibited committee meetings from being held on the chamber floor.

No changes have been made to my committee assignments. I am still Chairman of the Health, Welfare and Institutions Committee, I am also a member of the Agriculture, Chesapeake, and Natural Resources Committee, the Finance Committee, and the Rules Committee, along with several subcommittees. Again, you may find all this information at the above-mentioned website by clicking on Members and Session.

As always, I welcome input from all my constituents. You may e-mail me at delborrock@house.virginia. gov, or call my Richmond office at 804-698-1054 with any questions or concerns that you may have. Should you be planning a trip to Richmond, please stop by our new office location, Room E309 in the Pocahontas Building. The public entrance is at 900 E. Main Street. Should you want to speak with me regarding a particular matter of interest to you, you may also make an appointment. We can also set up tours of the Capitol, the Governor’s Mansion and arrange for Gallery seating in the Chamber.  However, these should be done in advance of your visit to Richmond.  Again, I appreciate your support and trust.  It is a great honor and I will certainly do my best to serve you, and the Commonwealth of Virginia.


Robert D. “Bobby” Orrock, Sr.

© 2025 Delegate Bobby Orrock