2017 Legislative Update from Delegate Orrock
February 1, 2017 | Uncategorized

Hello from the Virginia State Capitol and my legislative office in Richmond. I want to wish all of you a very “Happy and Healthy New Year” and thank you also for allowing me to serve and represent you from the 54th District. It is a great honor that you have put your trust in me and I will do my utmost to serve the people of the 54th District and the Commonwealth of Virginia.

The 2017 session of the General Assembly has begun and all bills were introduced by Friday, January 20th. This being the short session, each member of the House of Delegates can introduce 15 bills. Committee meetings have already started to look at legislation before us this year. I still serve as Chairman of the Health, Welfare and Institutions Committee and sit on the Agriculture, Chesapeake and Natural Resources, Finance and Rules committees.

One of our main concerns this session is in dealing with the budget’s $1.2 billion shortfall. In August of last year, Governor McAuliffe announced over a $1 billion shortfall. The shortfall is a result of a lagging economy that generated less tax revenue than expected. Unfortunately, the “New Virginia” economy Governor McAuliffe is always championing has been steadily replacing high paying full-time jobs with lower paying part-time jobs. Virginia’s economy has lost more than 4,000 jobs, weekly wages are down, and part-time employees are up by more than 20,000 since 2015.

However, unlike Washington, Virginia’s Constitution requires a balanced budget. Last month Governor McAuliffe unveiled his proposed budget to the General Assembly. The Governor’s budget proposal is just the first step in a long process. It is now time for the House to develop our budget. Our goal is to craft a responsible, conservative budget that strategically invests in the core functions of government while protecting precious taxpayer resources. We will invest in key priorities, but we must do so in a fiscally prudent manner.

 The bills I have introduced this session are as follows:

HB 1474 – Dental Hygiene; remote supervision

HB 1475 – HOA Disclosures

HB 1476 – Real property tax; special assessment for land preservation

HB 1477 – Cats and dogs; lifetime licenses

HB 1478 – Recordation tax; exemption

HB 1567 – Medicaid applications; information about advance directives

HB 1568 – Child care providers; criminal background checks; penalty

HB 1569 – VA Polytechnic Institute and State University and VA State University; purpose and    course of study

HB 1835 – Decedent’s life insurance policy; funeral service provider allowed to request, etc.

HB 1836 – Spotsylvania Parkway, VDOT to maintain a certain segment beginning 2022

HB 1837 – Private certified preschool or nursery school programs; licensure exemptions

HB 1838 – Neighborhood Assistance Act tax credits; Board of Education

HB 2304 – Long-term care; requirements of Department of Medical Assistance Services

HB 2305 – SHHR; certain waivers under the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program

H.J 571 – Virginia Tech and VSU teacher shortage

As always, I enjoy seeing people from my district and talking with them regarding issues or bills of interest or concern. Please contact my office here in Richmond, either by phone (804-698-1054) or by e-mail at delborrock@house.virginia.gov. You may follow all legislation at http://virginiageneralassembly.gov.

I will keep you posted on the progress here at the Capitol. Since this is the short session, we will adjourn on the 25th of February. Again, I appreciate your support and please don’t hesitate to contact me should you have any issues of interest or concern to you.


Robert D. (Bobby) Orrock, Sr.


© 2025 Delegate Bobby Orrock