First week of 2015 Session Update
January 22, 2015 | Richmond Update


Hello from the Capitol and my legislative office here in Richmond.  First, I want to wish all of you a very “Happy and Healthy New Year” and again thank you for allowing me to serve and represent you from the 54th District.  It is a great honor that you have put your trust in me and I will do my utmost to serve you, the people of the 54th District and the Commonwealth of Virginia to the best of my ability.

Session is in full swing and committee meetings have started to look at legislation before us.  My committee assignments have not changed.  I serve as Chairman of the Health, Welfare and Institutions Committee.  I sit on the Agriculture, Chesapeake and Natural Resources, Finance and Rules Committees.

Bills that I Have proposed thus far this session are as follows:

HB 1565 – Companion Animals; authority of animal control officers.

HB 1566 – Individual school performance; star number scale.

HB 1567 – Tax delinquent property; multijurisdictional sale.

HB 1568 – Emergency vehicles; bridge weight limits.

HB 1569 – TANF; eligibility, drug-related felonies.

HB 1570 – Unlicensed, unregistered family day homes; notice to Department of Social Services.

HB 1956 – Hospitals; patients who are deaf or hard-of-hearing.

HB 2173 – Real Property Tax; waiver of delinquent taxes.

HB 2177 – Certificate of Public Need.

HB 2208 – Teacher licensure; career and technical education endorsement.

HJ 558 –     Teacher shortage; SCHEV to analyze, report.

HJ 559 –     Commending Massaponax High School football team.

HJ 560 –     Commending Patsy Godley; Ms. Senior America 2014

HJ 561 –     Commending the Fredericksburg Christian School football team.

Many visitors from the district have come by my office and I welcome their visits and sharing their thoughts on legislation of interest to them.  Please don’t hesitate to contact my office here in Richmond, either by phone or e-mail, if you would like to discuss legislation or would like to tour the Capitol.  My office number here is 804-698-1054 and my e-mail is  You may follow all legislation at You can also visit my webpage at and fill out my survey.

I will keep you posted on the progress here at the Capitol.  Again, I appreciate your support and don’t hesitate to call should you have any issues of concern to you.


Robert D. “Bobby” Orrock, Sr

© 2025 Delegate Bobby Orrock