Legislation Suggestions?
December 4, 2014 | Richmond Update

As the 2015 Virginia General Assembly draws near, I am considering legislation to introduce.  The Session will start January 14, 2015.  As I have done in the past, I am considering bills that will make the lives of my constituents and Virginia’s citizens better.  I am looking to submit bills that will focus on items such as ethics reform, improving public K-12 education and/or make higher education more accessible, improving transportation, land owners rights and pro-business, job creating legislation.  I’d be very interested in hearing your input or ideas on bills to submit.

As a member of the House of Delegates, we are limited to 15 bills we can submit per session.  This is so that all bills introduced can be given proper attention during the short general assembly session.  This year’s session will be six weeks.  Therefore, since our bill number is limited, I cannot promise that all suggestions will become a bill, however, if your suggestion does not become a bill I patron, your input will help to determine which issues are of most importance to those in my district.  In addition to the bills I personally submit, I often co-sponsor or co-patron bills with other members who introduce legislation that is beneficial to Virginia.  Your suggestions may help me determine which bills I co-patron.

If you have any suggestions or ideas, please follow this link to provide your contact information and write your bill suggestions in the “Your Message” box.

© 2025 Delegate Bobby Orrock