2014 Legislative Update #2
January 24, 2014 | Richmond Update

Greetings from your state Capitol.  As we conclude our second full week of session, I wanted to share with you some of the actions of your General Assembly, so far.

In several of our committees, we focus on measures that will help to improve the business climate of our state and work to increase the number of jobs available and the overall economy.   I will be sharing more details on the individual measures as they will be moving to the House floor for consideration.

Further, we have several measures coming up that will address issues in ethics and the taking of gifts that have come to light by public officials.  Also I and others will be working to improve financial transparency in election campaigns and honesty by the candidates as they communicate with voters.

One of the most controversial measures to emerge so far, is a bill that will permit Sunday hunting throughout the Commonwealth, all year long.  This bill was heard in the Agriculture, Natural Resources and Chesapeake Committee on which I sit.  After prolonged testimony and debate, the bill passed and has gone to the House floor.  My negative vote on the bill was one of the most difficult votes I’ve ever had to make.  As a life-long hunter, a hunter safety instructor for over 30 years, and a strong supporter of hunters’ rights, I completely understand the desire of so many of my constituents who want the chance to enjoy the hunting experience even more.  The dilemma that I faced, was that from surveys and personal communication, the number of my constituents who opposed the expansion was overwhelming.  I understand that there may be amendments offered to the bill on the floor of the House next week, so I will keep you advised.

I’m glad to report that my bill to allow farms to be “Agritourism” attractions will be voted on by the full house next week.  This bill will allow farmers to use their farms as occasional event venues and make it easier for them to sell directly to consumers.  This measure strikes a balance between protecting the interests of adjoining property owners and allowing farms greater freedom in the use of their property.

The most recent development in Richmond, is the Attorney General’s decision to not defend our state constitution in a pending Federal suit against our constitutional requirement that marriage is only between a man and a woman.  Regardless of how you stand on the issue, it is unprecedented for an Attorney General to not support our state constitution on the grounds that he “thinks” it is a conflict with the Federal constitution.  I believe that until our Supreme Court has ruled against our State constitution, that our Attorney General has a sworn obligation to defend the constitution that you, the voters, approved.  For the large number of you who have contacted my office on this matter, I suggest that you contact the Attorney Generals’ office directly and make your views known.

We are at about the mid-point of the time that the House will be working on bills that have come from our members.  These next two weeks will be even busier as even more challenging matters will come before us.

I encourage you to monitor legislation by going to http://virginiageneralassembly.gov and you may  watch our daily sessions, that usually convene at noon, on line.

I welcome your contacts and visits and my staff will be more than happy to assist you in any way that we can. If you would like to visit the Capitol and stop by my office, please feel free to call my office in Richmond at 804-698-1054, to set up an appointment or set up a tour of the Capitol. My new office number is 701 in the General Assembly Building.  My e-mail address is: delborrock@house.virginia.gov  should you want to voice your opinion on any legislation of interest to you.  Our mailing address is: P. O. Box 406, Richmond, VA 23218. You may also visit my website at https://bobbyorrock.net.

Again, I thank you for the opportunity to represent you and all of the folks of the 54th District.  I’m humbled by your trust and continue to commit to serve.

Bobby Orrock


© 2025 Delegate Bobby Orrock